Travis and I took a little trip to the Lowe's last weekend and found ourselves examining paint chips. We had a basic idea of what we were looking for: mustard yellow, cream (instead of grey as previously stated), and a pretty lavender. We immediately found the cream, but the mustard was much more difficult. Most yellows are very bright or too orange. Eventually we found a yellow called Dahlia that was as close to perfect as we could probably get.
So far the colors are pretty much as planned, aside from the cream/grey switch (cream was what I originally wanted anyway). But when it came to the bedroom we were all over the place. We pulled one swatch from the Martha Stewart collection called Persimmon, and the more we looked at it the more we loved it. While it's bright, our bedroom windows are North-facing so I don't think the color with overwhelm the room with that crazy reflective thing bright paint can do in a small room!
Here are the new palettes, as close as I can get them using a laptop and Adobe Kuler:


Things could change a little bit (like that light blue...), but for the most part we're set.
We've also picked out our couch. And bought a decent vintage coffee table from a guy on Craigslist. Oh and we get to pick up the keys to the new place tomorrow!!!! I'm so psyched. We are going to spend this whole weekend painting, and then we'll start moving boxes in next week. We're also making a pretty serious Ikea run on Sunday.
And soon enough we'll be having our BBQ! I can't wait to move... no more annoying downstairs and upstairs neighbors... we can sit outside in our yard all summer long... and it will just be a cute house! Yay!!
I plan on documenting the whole experience through photographs. It will be fun!