Luckily (and uninterestingly) this year was void of drama. My family life is relatively drama-free, with exceptions here and there, but last Christmas was kind of ridic. Let's just say a member of not my family (or Travis's) decided to indulge their addiction in a suburban bathroom thus somewhat making Christmas dinner awkward for everyone. Not to mention the not-my-Uncle who made my whole evening awkward and sort of helped ruin the Christmas experience.
This Christmas was easy. We spend the Eve at Travis's parents' house which always holds the promise of delicious food, cute kids, and smiling faces. We also went to Bert's annual record store Christmas party, which always holds the promise of good beer and tasty Italian food. Not to mention wonderful music purchases.
The ride to my parents' house was filled with my drunken Christmas caroling and Travis joining in on the choruses. We did almost hit a deer (I think) but made it home safely. My Egyptian dad Zaki was waiting for me with open arms. My Dad was waiting for me with an open beer. They know me so well!
Christmas Day was business as usual. Opening wonderful gifts, including an iPod Touch from Travis to me. Besides my insanely luxorious new mattress that came from my parents, the Touch was my favorite present. Today when I got home from work I took an extra long nap in my bed then woke up and browsed Etsy on my iPod. Ahhh heaven.
I've been so tired lately. I feel like when I get a day off all I want to do is sleep. Luckily I have a new mattress and fabulous bed frame to indulge my greatest pleasure.
I have some cute pictures to randomly show you. My sister's pup Dolce just turned one and had a fabulous birthday party. All of her little dog friends came and they ate a special doggy carrot cake.
So tomorrow might actually be the best New Year's Eve I've ever had. I don't want to put too much pressure on it, but I'm pretty sure it can't fail. Travis and I are going to my friends Kim and Steve's apartment in Old City for dinner and drinking. AND my fav boss ever Lou (and I'm not just saying that because I know she's going to read this!) and her husband will be there. Plus maybe some others! I just know that I will not be in a shitty club, overcrowded bar, or feeling claustrophobic in Times Square. And I will sleep in my own amazing bed. Maybe I should think of a New Year's resolution... like running two miles a day. How long do you think that would last? haha I'll start taking bets.
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